The Harlequin paperback of Murder Fortissimo is now out, available from their Worldwide Mystery Library. You can find details on the blog I've finally got round to setting up, http://nicolaslade.wordpress.com/
I'd love people to Follow the blog - I'll feel such a fool if I'm rattling round on there! And do please remind me of blogs I could follow too.
I wrote a comment on your blog, Nicola, but Wordpress snubbed me. I will try again and maybe there is a sign there so I can 'follow' you.
Winchester is a wonderful setting for a story and it is likely to be something of a character in each story.
How rude of Wordpress, Beth, I'll get my techno-guru to slap WP's wrist. And there is a Follow button, under the photo of me, do press it - the more the merrier!
And I've just heard that Hale will publish 'A Crowded Coffin', the follow-up to 'Murder Fortissimo'
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