Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I now have my latest, Hale novel available in paperback. I expect to be making it available on Kindle. Anybody have any suggestions or observations about the right or wrong way to go in order to develop sales in both markets? Wish me luck anyway.


Beth Elliott said...

I certainly wish you good luck. So far everyone i've talked to has a different idea about how to put your work on Kindle. Once you put your work in an electronic format you may lose control of it. Proceed with caution, unless you have some safeguards.

ChuckTyrell said...

Yes. Good luck. I'm curious. Are your paperback rights and eBook rights your own? Or is Hale doing this?

Michael Parker said...

Hallo CHuck. I'm doing this myself. I asked Gill Jackson to release all my paperback rights to me, which she did of course.

Nik Morton said...

And that's a swell cover - that writing pad is relevant to the story. It's a good story, too; I reviewed it on Amazon.